Thursday, December 2, 2010

I've Been Searching

Finally I have found my soul mate! I am desperately and completely and hopelessly in love! Eggnog triple thick milk shake from McDonalds, you complete me! <3

Anyone who knows me well enough, should know of my complete and total addiction to Eggnog. If given the choice, I would live off cartons of the stuff all season. Sadly, that's terribly unhealthy. At least thats what people tell me. I prefer to believe they are just trying to get more Eggnog for themselves. 

After a quick doctors visit, my son, mother and I went to McDonalds. Merric had earned it. He was really brave during the doctors visit. While in line I discovered a sign, the most wondrous sign. A sign that made me wish I had my camera with me to capture the moment better. It declared to me that I could purchase (you must imagine my voice saying that as "purr" and "chase", it makes it sound better) a Triple Thick Milkshake flavoured of Eggnog. 

I am sipping at it right now and I am in a thick creamy heaven. Stop being a pervert. It's delicious. 


  1. I'm so jealous! They don't have those where I live. Here in Hawaii the best thing we've got as far as McDonald's in Haupia pies, and spam sandwiches, and let me tell you, they're not much to brag about. Now, if they actually tasted, you know, good, maybe they would be. Really, they're not putting enough effort into making themselves delicious. So I continue wandering the world of fast food, hoping to find my very own true love.
    I envy you for finding yours, but I'm glad you found your milkshake when you did. You were meant to be together.

  2. Eggnog flavoured milkshake?! YUM! Not in the UK MaccieD's though :-( most disappointing.
