Sunday, November 28, 2010

Pet Peeves (Part 1)

I hate being made to wait. 

But not the average "you have to wait to see the doctor", or "you have to wait ___ many days for [a special occasion]". I hate being told "maybe I'll come see you later". Then all night there is no word as to whether or not they are on their way. "I'll let you know before I head out if I'm going to come over or not" and then nothing all night. Nothing. No word or anything. 

I hate it. 

I wait until it's absolutely ridiculously late and then go to bed more than pissed off. And when I wake up? All I want to do is yell at them. Especially when they know how much I hate being made to wait. Then I feel bad for being so angry because "maybe they got hurt or in an accident". But then they pop online and all that rage comes back and all I want to do is rip them a new one. 

But it never works. The trend continues and they constantly treat me like not even second string, but third string. The bench warmer. "If I've got nothing better to do, maybe I'll come see you." 

You know what? Don't even bother.


  1. *hugs* :( This is what my Sunday has turned into.

  2. you my dear are no where near second string. and we do not hang out nearly enough. seriously.. lets plan a get together and go from there

  3. Frankly, those are the people you cast out of your life, ma chère...

    Don't waste your time grasping onto a word that may or may not come your way. Just get out and focus on *your* life instead of theirs!

    -Barb the French Bean
