Thursday, November 4, 2010

Is it really that time again?

Did we not already go through this last month, Uterus? Come on. Grow up already.

I thought I had some pretty awesome things to say today, but I think I was wrong. All I can think about is cussing out my lady parts. Which I'm sure male readers don't want to read. 

I've been thinking about taking up guitar again. Last Sunday, at church, some mother figures were praying over me and one said to me that I have a song inside me. It was interesting to think about. For as long as I can remember I've wanted to take vocal lessons to train my voice better and have wanted to pick my guitar up again. The problem with my guitar is that, currently, I need a new string. For comedic sake let's just say it's the G string. I need a new G string. (Doesn't that sound funny? Get it? Like the underwear..?) I also need to get a tuner. 

Another thing I want to do is start jogging. But I literally do not own running shows. I also have ridiculous asthma, but I still want to try. I think the last time I went for a jog was before I was even pregnant with Merric and my dog Shmeg was still alive. Well I know it was when Shmeg was still alive because I took him with me and we ran through the field together. It was like something out of a teen-fiction novel. Just a girl and her dog jogging through a field in the middle of the night. Or the start of the night. I think it was about 9 pm. Call that what you want.

I recently tried out a Pilate's DvD I've had around forever. Sweet Jesus am I out of shape. Halfway through I had to turn it off because I felt like I was going to hurl. For anyone who doesn't know Pilate's is basically yoga but with more positions focused on the core. Since getting sliced open, my core is incredibly weak. It sickens and saddens me.

This turned out a lot more emo-ish than I wanted. To make up for it I'll have to leave you with something awesome.... but I've got nothing. 

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